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Annual Report & Financial Statements 2023 - August 2, 2024 - 0 comments

During the year 2023, remained steadfast in its commitment to advancing Malta’s technological landscape and cultivating an environment conducive to innovation, collaboration, and expansion.

As a key stakeholder, actively engaged in pivotal consultations with governmental bodies such as the Ministry and other significant entities, offering valuable insights from a digital and technological standpoint. Our ongoing Strategic Partnership Initiative has welcomed 11 new consulting partners into our network, further bolstering our collaborative ecosystem. Furthermore, we enhanced our interaction with local technology enterprises, with 40 new members joining our directory. Our dedication to facilitating digital transformation was reaffirmed through our funding incentives program, which assists organizations in realizing their digitalization objectives and accessing funding opportunities. On the international stage, effectively showcased Malta’s potential at prestigious events such as the Startup Blink Ecosystem Summit, Dublin Tech Summit, Money 20/20, among others. Locally, we solidified our relationships through active participation in events such as JA Enterprise, the Chamber of Engineers Annual Conference, and the eBusiness Awards Ceremony. The culmination of our efforts was evident at our end-of-year Networking Reception, which not only celebrated impactful partnerships but also set the stage for a promising trajectory in 2024.

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