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Tech in Health: Episode 2 – Tech in Cancer Research & Treatment - July 31, 2024 - 0 comments

Tech in Health

The Tech in Health campaign explores how technology is transforming healthcare. It showcases how digital tools and innovative applications improve patient care, research, and treatment. From advanced diagnostic equipment to interactive therapeutic apps and efficient administrative tools, technology enhances every aspect of health services.

By highlighting these advancements, the campaign promotes a better understanding of technology’s role in improving healthcare outcomes. Discover the future of healthcare through technology.

Tech in Cancer Research & Treatment

The Tech in Cancer Research campaign explores how technology is advancing cancer research and treatment. It highlights the use of advanced diagnostic tools, personalized treatment plans, and innovative applications to improve patient care and outcomes.


Welcome to the forefront of cancer research and treatment.

Where today’s technology not only combats diseases but also improves the way we treat patients.

Understanding cancer starts with taking a close look at its cells. Here scientists use advanced equipment to examine cancer cells uncovering key information about their condition, appearance and behaviour. The next step is to identify whether the cells being targeted for treatment are responding. Flow cytometers use laser beams to sort and count cells based on their properties. This high-tech sorting helps researches find cells which have responded to treatment, assessing the efficacy of therapies being tested.

Treating cancer can be tough, especially for kids. Take Morpheus, a game using virtual reality (VR) to help. Applications like these reduce pain by keeping young patients engaged in interactive worlds that distract from their treatment. By tracking vital signs in real time, these VR and AR apps adjust to every child’s needs, making therapy supportive and unique. The AI in these apps monitors the child’s heart rate and mood, adapting the game in real time. It can add mini-games to keep them engaged or reduce challenges if it senses anxiety. These technologies are also designed for accessibility. Compatible with a wide range of mobile devices, hospitals can offer these comforting virtual experiences to their young patients.

Our look at today’s technology shows how far we’ve come in fighting cancer. As we push forward with these innovative tools, let’s also remember the power in simple acts of kindness. Every small gesture of support can light up even the darkest moments for those on this tough journey.

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