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Share played an important role in the attainment of the positive developments within this (Digital) Sphere - September 30, 2021 - 0 comments

Throughout the years, Malta proved to be resilient and able to prosper and grow despite facing global issues. There is huge potential for the local Tech sector as there is no doubt that the future is digital. Malta is well-positioned to continue building on the existing strengths and will remain pivotal in making sure technology and digital platforms are used in the best way possible and to enhance businesses’ drive towards digitalization, ensuring an economy which is based on digital resilience and digital innovation. Together with all stakeholders, we are already welcoming tomorrow today.

This article is part of the Malta Competiteveness Report 2020 Series by

Posts in Series:

  1. played an important role in the attainment of the positive developments within this (Digital) Sphere
  2. Malta ranks 32nd from 173 countries in terms of ICT Infrastructure
  3. Malta’s eCommerce Sales
  4. Malta is investing in new digital skills
  5. Productivity growth fastest in tech-driven businesses
  6. ICT skills should be taught as from early stages in education

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