Enhancing Malta’s Digital Competitiveness
Investing in human capital to create more opportunities and promote the wellbeing of society must be paired with the appropriate skills to take advantage of the digital society.
Developing Digital Skills in eSports: Tech.mt can pave your way in tech prospects.
Tech.mt is privileged to have visited the recently established World Pro Racing Facility in Hal Farrug, which is dedicated to supporting innovation and technology on a national and international scale.
Stemming the flow: The inclusion of women in the tech sector
STEM career paths are experiencing a lower presence of girls and women not due to poorer maths or science skills but due to stereotypes.
Tech.mt continues its mission to promote the tech sector overseas
Tech.mt had the opportunity to boast its presence in the United Arab Emirates by promoting Malta.
Quantum computing: the next big tech revolution
Quantum computing is a new computing technology built on the principles of quantum physics.
Tech.mt sponsors the C3 launch – ICT and Computing Education in Malta conference
Mastering basic digital skills is now as essential as learning a primary language or any other primary subject. Technology and innovation are essential to modern civilization. Novel technologies such as IoT and AI have an impact on how we live and work, as well as how we communicate and engage with one other. Data and information, research, and development are now all digital components that are more fundamental to one's daily activities. (more…)