Successful steps into digital job-related employment
Women4IT is a multi-stakeholder partnership funded by the EEA Grants and the Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment. The project is supported by 9 Partners from across Europe and will be implemented in Malta, Greece, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania and Spain.
In the context of the structural transformation towards a digital economy, there are significantly less women than men in the European market. Left unaddressed, this digital gap will result in loosing-out on female talent, innovation and entrepreneurship and in turn, further widen the gender gap. Women4IT aims at raising awareness about digital skills and the gender gap, and at promoting concrete, innovative partnerships and solutions to increase the numbers of EU vulnerable girls and young women into the digital agenda.
The partners’ ambition is to assist 1,000 young women to take successful steps into digital job-related employment. This is crucial for the European industry to remain competitive in the face of rapid advances by its competitors, and for the European society to remain inclusive in the digital age.
The initiative will pursue its goals through awareness raising campaigns about the digital skills and gender gap; skills assessment; innovative partnerships with employers; development of an online employability profiling tool; and a learning/training platform that will include employer co-designed customized learning plan and a job application & on-boarding support system.
Women4it is supported by expert partners; The European Centre for Women and Technology and DIGITALEUROPE.
Read: Competition – Terms & Conditions
Read: Women4IT Interview: Bernine Caruana – Senior Software Eningeer at CS Technologies
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