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View from the Top: Fintech Trends and Predictions with Wise, TrueLayer, Gretel, Mambu, Chip

View from the Top: Fintech Trends and Predictions with Wise, TrueLayer, Gretel, Mambu, Chip

As 2021 draws to a close, it’s safe to say that this year has been full of ups and downs. With the world very cautiously emerging from the global pandemic, one thing has remained constant: the innovation and growth the fintech industry continues to bring. While the year has been a whirlwind for most, the fintech sector has seen many challenges and opportunities that will no doubt continue into the next 12 months.

The Fintech Times December 7, 2021
What are Blockchain Nodes?

What are Blockchain Nodes?

Ever heard of nodes in blockchain technology and the critical functions they perform on it? What kind of elements are these nodes, how do they function and what are various types of nodes that exist? Let’s give straight in to find out answers to all these questions.

The Times of India December 7, 2021
13 Cybersecurity Predictions for 2022

13 Cybersecurity Predictions for 2022

Cybersecurity will continue to be a grave concern for business leaders in 2022. Malicious and accidental threats, coupled with increasingly stringent data regulations, are putting the onus on companies to step up their security and data use precautions. ere, data security leaders share their thoughts on what’s ahead both in terms of new dangers to data and opportunities to thwart them.

Database Trends and Applications December 7, 2021
Artificial Intelligence Is All the Rage. What You Need to Know.

Artificial Intelligence Is All the Rage. What You Need to Know.

This is the golden age of investing in artificial intelligence, says Eric Schmidt, who used to run Google, now known as Alphabet. UBS calls AI a top investment theme for the coming decade. So, where are all the attractively priced stocks? Don’t suggest using AI to search for them—I spoke with a guy who’s doing just that, and it’s off to a slow start.

Barron's December 7, 2021
Understanding cybersecurity management for FinTech: cybersecurity vulnerabilities and risk in FinTech

Understanding cybersecurity management for FinTech: cybersecurity vulnerabilities and risk in FinTech

FinTech revolves around technologies such as cloud, blockchain, AI, and mobile devices that are used for financial transaction payments, cryptocurrencies, money transfers, trading, and regulatory compliance.

IT WORLD CANADA December 2, 2021
Executives love talking about digital transformation, but here’s what many don’t mention

Executives love talking about digital transformation, but here’s what many don’t mention

Digital transformation, among the corporate world’s favorite buzzwords, involves infusing technology into every corner of a company’s operations. At least publicly, many executives champion the idea as a solution to nearly all their problems.

Fortue December 2, 2021
Five cybersecurity myths that need to be busted

Five cybersecurity myths that need to be busted

According to Barry O’Donnell, Chief Operating Officer at TSG, while cybersecurity is important it is equally important to dispel the myths that surround the subject. O’Donnell tells Digital Journal that poor cybersecurity has been identified as the most pressing threat to businesses today. Issues with cybersecurity often stem from a lack of cybersecurity awareness.

Digital Journal December 2, 2021
Robots in 2022: Six robotics predictions from industry-leading humans

Robots in 2022: Six robotics predictions from industry-leading humans

The past five years have seen robots move from a developing technology in a number of sectors to an indispensable tool supporting operations across a vast range of enterprises.

ZDNet December 2, 2021
The big idea: Should we worry about artificial intelligence?

The big idea: Should we worry about artificial intelligence?

Ever since Garry Kasparov lost his second chess match against IBM’s Deep Blue in 1997, the writing has been on the wall for humanity. Or so some like to think. Advances in artificial intelligence will lead – by some estimates, in only a few decades – to the development of super intelligent, sentient machines. Movies from The Terminator to The Matrix have portrayed this prospect as rather undesirable.

The Guardian December 2, 2021
5G rollouts offer ‘internet of things’ a more sophisticated outlook

5G rollouts offer ‘internet of things’ a more sophisticated outlook

The “internet of things” (IoT) is often used as a catch-all phrase to describe the disparate items that use sensors to gather data — from driverless cars, to “smart cows”, to connected refrigerators, to robotic factories.

Financial Times December 2, 2021
Digital demand sets cloud computing on course for next stage

Digital demand sets cloud computing on course for next stage

Although cloud computing has been pervasive for the best part of two decades, investment in its infrastructure by big companies remains sluggish, as many industries cling on to old technologies.

Financial Times December 2, 2021
Declining eCommerce Transactions From New Customers Is Costing Businesses Millions

Declining eCommerce Transactions From New Customers Is Costing Businesses Millions

Despite eCommerce exceeding $4.3trillion in 2020, and businesses dealing with new customers, they are five to seven times more likely to decline transactions from said customers, compared to returning ones. Forter’s Annual eCommerce Revenue Optimisation (AERO) report highlights the opportunity cost of falsely declining eCommerce transactions from new customers across industries.

The Fintech Times November 22, 2021
How big data analytics helps enterprises improve cybersecurity

How big data analytics helps enterprises improve cybersecurity

Big data analytics can be directed to several use cases, like marketing, talent management, sales forecasting, or in this case, cybersecurity. Let’s dig into hows and whats of it. Cybersecurity has been a headache for enterprises almost since the beginning of the business internet, but in the last couple of years the pressure has ramped up a notch. November 22, 2021
Digital transformation: 4 ways to create a sense of urgency

Digital transformation: 4 ways to create a sense of urgency

Staying competitive in today’s turbulent environment requires a solid digital transformation strategy. Consider these tips to bring increased urgency. In the last 18 months, entire industries were pushed to make decisions in days that would typically be debated and planned for months or even years. Customer-facing brands, in particular, were forced to cope with rapid, unpredictable changes in supply, demand, and logistics.

Enterprisers Project - Red Hat Inc November 22, 2021
How Does Blockchain Technology Ensure Transparency In Cryptocurrency Trade?

How Does Blockchain Technology Ensure Transparency In Cryptocurrency Trade?

A blockchain is a digital ledger of transactions that are distributed across a network of connected computer systems. With cryptocurrency, a whole new language and technology have come into vogue. While some investors are interested in the returns, others are willing to dive deep and understand the technology on which it is operating.

ndtv convergence November 22, 2021