TECH 101 Buzz Words: Artificial Intelligence
• Artificial intelligence refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines.
• The goals of artificial intelligence include learning, reasoning, and perception.
• AI is being used across different industries including finance and healthcare.
TECH 101 Buzz Words: Distributed Ledger Technologies
Distributed ledger technology (DLT) is a digital system for documenting asset transactions in which the transactions and their information are stored in numerous locations at the same time.
TECH 101 Buzz Words: Big Data
The term “big data” refers to data that is so big, fast, or diverse that traditional methods are difficult or impossible to process.
Malta Reżiljenti
Malta dejjem immirat li tkun fuq quddiem nett fil-qasam tat-teknoloġija u l-innovazzjoni. B’ekosistema diġitali b’saħħitha, ir-reputazzjoni ta’ Malta bħala l-ġurisdizzjoni ideali għal teknoloġija emerġenti hija maħsuba li tibqa’ tikber.
TECH 101 Buzz Words: Cloud Computing
Cloud computing is the delivery of various services via the Internet. Tools and applications such as data storage, servers, databases, networking, and software are examples of these resources.
Mid-Year Newsletter - 2021
In January 2021, set out to continue to listen and act on the industry’s needs. We pledged to remain pivotal in making sure technology and digital platforms are used in the best way possible engraining an economy which is based on digital resilience and digital innovation. remains committed to guide technology companies in the right direction through expert advice, solution driven services, a platform for participation in events and by facilitating connections for businesses to scale or internationalise.
TECH 101 Buzz Words: Smart Industry 4.0
Industry 4.0 is the current trend of automation and data exchange in manufacturing technologies.
A Digital Journey: Hair & Beauty Parlour - Omorfia
As part of our efforts to guide and encourage businesses looking to take the digitisation plunge, met with Donna – hairdresser and salon owner, to chat about how she innovatively took her hairdressing business from offline to online in the middle of a pandemic.