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Enabling the financial services industry through Technology - October 27, 2020 - 0 comments

Enabling the financial services industry through Technology collaborates with Finance Malta, to enable the financial services industry through Technology

As CEO of, I truly believe this is the golden age of technology and finance. Ranging from regulatory compliance to fraud detection and smart data analytics, technology has truly shaped financial services in 2020.

the next ten years are primed to even make bigger advances

Whilst the impact of technology on the financial services ecosystem in the past 20 years has been nothing short of impressive, the next ten years are primed to even make bigger advances, particularly from an automation, data, risk assessment and security perspective.

It is evident that companies operating in the finance sector will witness a broader and more complex function of technology.

For instance, the extensive deployment of robotic process automation will make transactional finance processes more efficient whilst automated identification and digital verification methods will enable remote customer onboarding processes.

By using big data and IoT technologies, vast amounts of data may be manipulated and analysed

Combining data with technology will also be crucial for in-depth financial analyses and uncovering new investment insights. It will also be vital in more rapid and more efficient risk scoring which will enable quicker and smarter assessments. By using big data and IoT technologies, vast amounts of data may be manipulated and analysed to determine risk profiles of companies and individuals whilst also be used to forecast future risks.

Combatting fraud in the financial services sector has also become more important than ever. Early fraud detection and preventive security may be enhanced significantly through machine learning and AI. The deployment of AI in areas of investment strategies, management of hedge funds and financial asset management is also gaining significant traction in the financial market.

Finally, making money and payments universally accessible through blockchain-based financial services has become a fast-growing sector of the cryptocurrency industry.

With representing the technology sector here in Malta and Finance Malta representing the finance sector, we believe there is ample opportunity for Malta to truly position itself as the ideal destination for innovative fintech companies.

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