Tech of the Week: AI for large-volume nutritional value label recognition
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) involves the building, deployment, and management of software robots with the aim of emulating human interactions with software and digital systems. Such robots can perform a variety of defined actions such as completing the correct keystrokes, understanding screen elements, and more. The biggest benefit of RPA is that, unlike human beings, software robots do not need breaks, which results in increased efficiency and productivity.
Exploring the Metaverse – The retail industry as a case study
The metaverse can be viewed in a variety of ways, including through the perspective of a business or a consumer.
Quantum computing: the next big tech revolution
Quantum computing is a new computing technology built on the principles of quantum physics. continues its mission to promote the tech sector overseas had the opportunity to boast its presence in the United Arab Emirates by promoting Malta.
Stemming the flow: The inclusion of women in the tech sector
STEM career paths are experiencing a lower presence of girls and women not due to poorer maths or science skills but due to stereotypes.
It-teknoloġija tista’ tipprovdi soluzzjonijiet innovattivi għall-bżonnijiet ta’ persuni b’diżabilità
It-teknoloġija tista’ tipprovdi soluzzjonijiet innovattivi għall-bżonnijiet ta’ persuni b’diżabilità sabiex tassisti f’għajxien indipendenti, qalet il-Kummissarju tas-CRPD Samantha Pace Gasan f’seminar ilbieraħ.
Technology could provide innovative solutions to the needs of persons with disability
Technology could provide innovative solutions to the needs of persons with disability in order to assist with independent living, said CRPD Commissioner Samantha Pace Gasan at a seminar yesterday.
Tech of the Week: Chatbots & Conversational Marketing
AI-Powered Chatbots for Messenger, Whatsapp & Instagram. Reduce the strain on your workforce while increasing your sales & improving your customer experience through the development, management and ongoing optimisation of AI-powered Chatbots for Facebook Messenger, Instagram & Whatsapp.
Tech of the Week: ShapeLamp
Shapelamp’s products are modelled as an algorithm using Rhino3D and Grasshopper.
Tech of the Week: Fe/male Switch
Fe/male Switch is the first startup role-playing game for women that steers them towards building their own tech startups and entering the IT world.
Tech of the Week: marinehound
marinehound offers the technology and service for detecting those vessels that use illegal high-sulphur fuel.
Tech of the Week: is Malta & Gozo’s largest online marketplace giving customers access to a great choice of products from some of Malta’s top retailers. It is a one-stop shop with over 40,000 products from a range of categories.
Tech of the Week: AIVHY Kick Starter
AIVHY’s Kick Starter is a service that provides an accessible starting point and achievable strategy to continuously reach optimal business potential and open new revenue streams. The Kick Starter makes this possible by delivering a realistic roadmap to implement digital innovation, smart technology and use real-time data, built on existing assets. We do this through the principles of Industry 4.0 and IIoT.